41. Mexico. First Week Travelling through Mexico from Mexico City to Tehauntepec.

In this episode we are in the middle of travelling around Mexico.

We start in Mexico city – the capital of Mexico. We take you for a walking tour all around Mexico City including the Zocalo and to the most visited museum in Mexico – the anthropology museum with its 1000’s of artifacts.

We tell you all about one of our favourite cities Peubla. It is so quaint and interesting. We also take you up a very steep hill to a spectacular basilica that is one of the nicest we have seen anywhere.

Come with us as we walk through Puebla and tell you just how pretty it is.

Next, we travel to Oaxaca city known for its food and culture, where we try the famous mole and enjoy the fabulous town square.

We visit at Monte Alban – which was a fabulous way to spend my birthday.

From Oaxaca we drive to Tehuantepec via, another ancient site and a stop at a mezcal brewery.

Stick around to the end to hear one of the things we did that we both weren’t at all interested in and it turned out to be one of the most interesting things we have done so far.

Also, at the end we give you a quick summary of the “tour” ins and outs so far.

So, enjoy our first week travelling through Mexico.

Please enjoy all the pictures of our first week travelling through Mexico.

Mexico City

Teotihuacan Archaeological Complex

Cholula - Puebla City

Oaxaca City

Monte Alban - the Ancient Zapotec Site

El Tule - 2,000 year old tree

Mitla - the Place of the Dead Archaeologcial Site

Mezcal Factory

Carpet Making Demonstration